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Ranking of universities globally: Times World University Rankings


Discover the best universities in the world in the Times World University Rankings 2022

Since the issuance of its first version in 2010, the Times World University Rankings has been one of the most prominent lists of university rankings in general and one of the most important sources for international students to evaluate their university choices for anyone who wants to study abroad.

What is the Times Ranking of World Universities?

The Times Higher Education World University Rankings is the largest and largest ranking of universities in the world , as the ranking in the 2022 edition includes more than 1,600 universities from 99 countries around the world.

The Times Table of World Universities for the year 2022 in ranking the best universities is based on 13 performance indicators that measure the excellence of the university or educational institution in 4 main areas: teaching, research, knowledge transfer, and international outlook.

Does university ranking really matter?

The Times World University Rankings can help you sort through your options and will make you aware of universities you may not have heard of before! But each classification has different bases and factors. At the same time, do not base your choice of university on international rankings only, but also carefully research the universities and colleges you want to study in so that you can make an accurate decision about where you will study for the years of your life.

You should realize that the factors of the indicators for evaluating these rankings are not the only measures of the suitability of the university or college for you in particular; It is just an assessment of some of the important elements that you should consider when considering each university.

How can you use university rankings to make a personal list of candidate universities?

You can narrow down the list of suitable universities for you on the basis of your preferred country/region , academic major/course of study . For example, if you want to study astronomy, look for universities that rank higher in that particular major. It is absolutely not a requirement that the first university in the world is also the best in this or that specialization.

Once you have a shortlist of your favorite universities, dig deeper by examining curricula, course options, colleges, teaching methods, campus life, and other factors important to you.

What are the top 20 universities in the Times World University Rankings 2022?

The following table shows the 20 best international universities according to the Times rankings for the year 2022:


the university


1Oxford universityUnited kingdom
=2California Institute of TechnologyAmerica
=2Harvard UniversityAmerica
4Stanford UniversityAmerica
=5Cambridge UniversityUnited kingdom
=5Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyAmerica
7Princeton UniversityAmerica
8University of California, BerkeleyAmerica
9Yale UniversityAmerica
10University of ChicagoAmerica
11Columbia UniversityAmerica
12Imperial College LondonUnited kingdom
=13Johns Hopkins UniversityAmerica
=13University of PennsylvaniaAmerica
15Federal Institute of Technology ZurichSwitzerland
=16Peking UniversityChina
=16Shingua UniversityChina
=18University of TorontoCanada
=18University College LondonUnited kingdom
20University of California, Los AngelesAmerica

Source: Times World University Rankings 2022

The best countries in the Times World University Rankings 2022

According to the Times World University Rankings website , the following countries are the best countries in terms of the number of their universities that ranked advanced in the list of the top 200 world universities:


The number of its institutions is in the top 200 universities

United kingdom28
South Korea6
Hong Kong5

Are you looking forward to starting your study abroad journey? Contact your educational advisor at IDP now to guide you and help you choose the most suitable and best university for you!


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