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Study visa conditions in Ireland, student visa requirements, procedures and fees

 Before you travel to Ireland, there are some important documents you should prepare first. If you are from outside the European Union, you will need to obtain a student visa to study in Ireland. Don't worry, we're here to help you finish those tedious paperwork.

All you need to know about a study visa in Ireland

If you are thinking of studying in Ireland , you will need to obtain a student visa. We strongly advise you to check the necessary requirements in your country by checking with the Irish Department of Naturalization and Immigration. If you need a study visa in Ireland, ask your IDP advisor to help you with the application process.

When should you apply?

You should apply for your study visa in Ireland as soon as possible, as it can take eight weeks or more. You can apply up to three months before you are due to arrive in Ireland.

What do you need to provide as part of your visa application?

The required documents, such as a copy of the passport and the required fees, must be submitted to the designated offices. You may also be asked to provide biometric information.

We strongly advise you to ask your IDP advisor to guide you through the process of applying for a visa to study in Ireland, to ensure that everything goes smoothly; This is because if you do not provide the required documents, you risk yourself being denied your visa application.

How do you check the status of your visa application? 

  • You can check the status of your visa online using your Visa Application Number to see if your visa has been processed. This list is updated on a weekly basis.
  • If the visa is approved, the Irish Embassy office will attach the visa to your passport.
  • If the visa is refused, you can appeal the decision within two months.

Is it possible to obtain a visa for the husband / wife?

Students from outside the European Union are not allowed to bring their families with them to Ireland, but spouses and children can apply for a residence visa in Ireland independently.

What happens if the visa application is refused?

If the visa application is refused, the college will refund the fees with a small application fee deduction.

List of things required to apply for a study visa in Ireland

  • A recent passport size photo 
  • A passport valid for 12 months
  • A signed application letter explaining the reason for applying for the visa
  • An acceptance letter from an Irish university, college or school confirming your acceptance and enrollment in a full-time program of study there
  • Proof that you have paid the tuition fee in full, or at least €6,000 of the fee if the amount is greater than that to meet the visa requirements
  • Proof that you have private health insurance that meets visa requirements 
  • A certificate proving your proficiency in the English language. Most Irish universities and colleges require an IELTS score of 6.5. 
  • A document proving that you or your dependents have sufficient funds to cover tuition fees and the cost of living in Ireland 
  • A document proving that you have been awarded a scholarship to study in Ireland, if you have been awarded one. 
  • If you are applying from China, India, Nigeria, Russia, the United Arab Emirates or the United Kingdom, you will need more documents to apply for an Ireland visa.

There are a lot of procedures that you have to go through in order to apply for the visa. Get rid of stress and get advice from your IDP advisor . We are here to help you with the application process for a study visa in Ireland.

Are there opportunities for internships in Ireland?

Most study programs in Ireland include training and employment opportunities, but this part does not exceed 50% of the program period. For example, a four-year study program allows for a maximum of two years to work. Work is an essential part of the study programme.

Is it possible to work in Ireland after completing studies there?

Likely so. The Irish government offers the Third Level Graduate Scheme, which grants graduates of Irish higher education institutions a visa to stay in Ireland for one year after completing their studies so that they can reside in Ireland and search for work. This visa can be extended for two years for postgraduate students.

Third-level graduates from outside the European Union who are legally resident in Ireland can also apply for a Green Card Permit, a way to stay in Ireland for an extended period. This allows you to work for a specific employer in one of the professions where there is a shortage of local skills.


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  15. فاطمة الزهراء من المغرب رقم الهاتف +212663098350

  16. وانا مستعد لاستلام الهديه وجزاكم الله كل خير

  17. محمد صبح من مصر رقم تلفونى ٠١٠٩٥٤٩٦٥٤٣

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    وهذا رقمي 00963958408041

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  20. انا محمد خير احمد بلبل من سوريا اتمنى الفوز وهاد رقمي وكمان رقمي التاني 0935165512

  21. انا من فرنسا ادعي الله اني افوز faiza.hamadou59@gmail.com 0762087564

  22. شعبان بيلي رمضان الشرقاوي من مصر محافظة كفر الشيخ مدنية دسوق رقم الهاتف 01003690840حلم حلم حلم حلم حلم حلم حلم حلم حلم حلم حلم

  23. انا من كندا انشاء الله اكسب ال500,000

  24. Jalal Saleh Jalal Ahmed
    جلال صالح جلال احمد
    رقم الهاتف/01116174012
    رقم البطاقه الشخصيه(28901292101778
    العنوان 73 ش عبد الفتاح البلتاجي همفرس بولاق الدكرور الجيزه

  25. Jalal Saleh Jalal Ahmed
    Jalal Saleh Jalal Ahmed
    Phone number/01116174012
    ID number (28901292101778
    Address 73 Abdel Fattah El-Beltagy St., Humphries, Bulaq El-Dakrour, Giza


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